
Business Plan Review

Business Plan is the key set out for the innovator founders. Our professional writers have years of experience handling complicated business concerns and pride themselves on their extensive knowledge of business plan preparation. 


We work with startups and scaleups to design a tailored investment strategy and an attractive investment proposition sitting with both sides of the table.

Business Compliance Advisory

Business Advisory Compliance involves strategic guidance to employment, insurance, secretarial compliance, and foreign investment regulations. Services include reviews and policy implementation to mitigate the risks.

Let's get you funded

Whether your startup is at the seed stage, or driving towards your Series B – our private investor club, and wide network of Angels, Family Offices, and VCs are ready to invest growth capital in your scaleable venture.

Why Us

Trusted by 100’s of Businesses

Business Evaluation and Fundraising

Bookkeeping and Payroll Services

Cross-border Investment

Regulatory Compliance and Documentation

Weekly Free Business Resources

LegalSeba UK

A management consulting firm helping people with their Business & Global Education.

Contact Info


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LegalSeba UK Ltd.

128, City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK
Registration No:14816544